The Gifts of Years
A few years ago, I noticed that people often held the door open for me as I went into the gas station store and they often called me “Sir.” (I wasn't sure I liked either at first.) But, there is an upside to aging. McDonald's has “senior coffee.” Our appliance repairman gives a senior discount, and many other businesses also reward one for being aged. There are many benefits to longevity. Last Sunday, Doris and I reaped one of the benefits of great-grandparenthood. We traveled to Jackson and saw Jay Victor Marchewka dedicated to the Lord in a worship service at JaxNaz Church. It was a gift to us--a benefit to our aging--a God-directed blessing. We are grateful for our children and grandchildren who walk in and with the Lord. We have every confidence that Jenna and Jordan will raise little Jay in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Being a great-grandparent seems rather tangential in our culture. (Father Abraham would not have liked our lifestyle.) Howeve...